West End is experiencing rapid population growth, but our community facilities have not kept up with increasing demand. West End library is bursting at the seams and it's difficult to find affordable community spaces to use.
The council-owned Kurilpa Hall, right next to the library, has never been fully utilised. The current leaseholders are in the process of vacating the premises, which raises questions about what should happen next.
The Greens think that the Kurilpa Hall site should be redeveloped into a bigger community facility in the medium term, but in the short-term are running community consultation on what people think should happen with the Hall.
Should it be entirely managed by the library? Should the hall be released to another community group and managed independently of the library?
Cr. Trina Massey and I are running a community meeting about the future of the hall on Tuesday 13 August at 6pm at the Kurilpa Hall. Come along to let us know what you'd like to see happen. More information and RSVP here.