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Proposed 7/11 at 999 Stanley Street, East Brisbane

I wish to lodge my strong objections to DA A005591790 for 999 Stanley St E, East Brisbane. I’ve already heard from a large number of residents who have serious concerns about the proposal, and I’d urge the Council to oppose the development in its current form.

The proposed development will have a range of negative impacts on the local area and deliver little public benefit. A new petrol station in this location will deliver little benefit or amenity to the local and wider Brisbane community – with five petrol stations already within a five minute drive of 999 Stanley Street E, including a BP 50m down the road. However – if approved – this development will negatively impact the character and local amenity of the area, pose a risk to the ecologically sensitive local creek catchment and undermine cyclist and pedestrian safety.

As this development is classified as code-assessable, there is no requirement for public notification and consultation, nor any formal mechanism that requires Council to consider residents’ views. Some submissions I have received are from local residents whose bedroom windows are less than 50m from the new petrol bowsers – still they have no formal objection rights. Given the impact a 24 hr petrol station will have on the neighbouring properties and residential streets, I would submit this is an excellent example of why our planning framework needs to be overhauled. As the newly elected MP for South Brisbane, I will be advocating strongly for improved planning laws that centre community input, sensible and sustainable planning and the importance of improving our community’s infrastructure to match densification.

Local Character and Amenity 

Edgar Street is a small neighbourhood road primarily made up of residential, character houses. While the existing nursery and the adjacent commercial properties retained the character of the street, a petrol station will significantly detract from the local character. This development will replace two small, local businesses with a big multinational chain – further detracting from the local character and amenity of this area.

Local amenity will be further reduced by the fumes and noise that this 24 hr petrol station will produce – with at least eight local residential properties falling within the 100m range of this proposed development. In return for the reduced amenity, local residents will derive little benefit from this development as they are already well-served by the petrol station and convenience store 50m down the road.

Ecological Impacts

This development is within the City Plan flood zone mapping and the creek flood overlay area. Even if the design includes measures to minimise flood impacts, it’s inevitable that when a petrol station floods, or simply gets a lot of heavy rain, oil and other contaminants are going to be washed into the nearby Norman Creek. The Low impact industry zone code states in overall outcome (l) that:

“Development in a flood-prone area is limited to uses that are compatible with minimising potential off-site impacts during and after a flood event.”

This flood risk is amplified as the previous use of the site was for a nursery that had significant amounts of vegetation that will be removed in this proposal and replaced with concrete.

Norman Creek is an ecologically sensitive habitat for a wide range of fish, reptiles, insects, mammals and birds. By allowing new petrol stations to be built within the creek flood overlay area, the Brisbane City Council is risking undoing the hard work it and the Norman Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee have put into rehabilitating this ecologically important creek. It is important to note that the nearby BP station just down the road is outside the creek flood overlay.

It is also worth noting that Norman Creek is home to a flying fox roost monitored by the Department of Environment and Science. Flying-foxes play a crucial role in keeping native vegetation healthy, dispersing seeds and pollinating flowering plants. The additional light and noise pollution generated by this 24 petrol station has the potential to have a long-term negative impact on this flying fox colony.

Traffic & Active Transport Impacts 

An additional petrol station at this location will undermine cyclist and pedestrian safety and convenience by adding an additional high-volume driveway to the Stanley St corridor, and on Edgar St. An additional high-volume driveway – leading from a 60km/hr arterial road – on this stretch will increase risks for pedestrians and cyclists and will make the footpath feel less safe for active transport users. Given the long standing traffic and congestion issues along the Stanley St corridor, approving a development that would further discourage active transport along this corridor would be short-sighted. The development will also negatively impact residents on Edgar St, with plans indicating this will be the only exit point for the station. Approval of this development would also contradict BCCs commitment to reducing carbon emissions in Brisbane. 

Community Expectations

As a local representative, I have been receiving numerous enquiries from local residents opposed to this development due to the impacts on local amenity, traffic impacts, location in a flood zone, and the close location to an existing petrol station. I note that to date, PD online has received hundreds of submissions from community members, many of which are opposed to the development. It is clear that this proposal does not meet community expectations, and should also be opposed by council on this basis.  

The Greens and I are in no way opposed to development in general. However, shortsighted and profit-driven proposals such as this one should not be approved by Council. In my role as the MP for South Brisbane I will be working closely with local residents to advocate for sustainable, community centred city planning, and development that considers long-term impacts and the needs of local communities. 

If you’d like to speak to me further regarding this proposal, I’d be pleased to hear from you. You can reach my electorate office on 3724 9100, or via email: [email protected] 


Kind Regards,

Amy MacMahon 

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