Our hospitals are in crisis.
Even before COVID, nurses, midwives and allied health workers were facing long hours, low pay, burnout and stress. Since the start of the pandemic, things have only gotten worse. With many people leaving the sector, staff are now dealing with staff shortages, long hours, low morale and poor mental health.
Workers have said to us:
"For years the healthcare has not kept up with population growth"
"[We're facing a] lack of job security, budget cuts, no time for innovation as constantly trying to catch up"
"We are facing increased demand on service both in acuity and numbers. But no increase in staffing, pay, resources or support"
And when our healthcare workers suffer, patients suffer.
In a wealthy state like Queeensland, it shouldn't be like this.
Our healthcare workers need:
- Pay increases that exceed inflation
- Free uni & TAFE for nurses
- A $10,000 retention and support bonus for nurses
- Well-funded hospitals, so that workers can do what they do best: focus on their patients
- An increase to the medicare rebates for GPs and guarenteed bulk-billing, to treat more people in their communities, rather than hospitals
- A levy the big banks to put and extra $1 billion into the healthcare system
But to do this, we need your help. While the Queensland Government continues to say our hospitals are in great shape, it's workers and patients who suffer.
Sign up to help us fight for the health system we deserve.