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A safer Vulture Street crossing

Community win: the crossing is now installed on Vulture Street as a permanent zebra crossing! Thanks everyone for taking action.


The Department of Education has announced a new crossing on Vulture Street to support safer active travel for West End State School. The new crossing will be between the front of Sea Fuel and the police station. 

But they’re only proposing a school crossing, rather than a permanent 24-hr zebra crossing or wombat crossing. Here’s the difference between the two:

  • A school crossing: not marked as a zebra crossing or functioning as a crossing outside of the pick-up and drop-off times (Monday-Friday 7am-9am and 2pm-4pm) when a crossing guard and signage will be there, like what’s on Jane Street. 
  • A permanent zebra/wombat crossing: raised zebra crossing with additional markings, often called a raised priority crossing. It could still serve as a supervised school crossing with crossing guard in peak school times (Monday-Friday 7am-9am and 2pm-4pm), like crossing over Hardgrave Rd near Scott Street.

This section of road is only going to get busier, and kids often still need to access the school for after-hours sports and activities – making a permanent 24-hr zebra crossing at this site crucial.

West End Community Association, Queensland Walks, Councillor Jonathan Sri and I are all pushing for a wombat crossing on the site. To get the Department to fund this, we need to show that there’s a strong community backing for this.

As our community grows, more safe crossings for pedestrians are essential to keep our suburbs walkable. To help us secure a safer crossing for our community, sign the petition and share it with your neighbours.

300 Signatures

294 Signatures

Will you sign?

Local residents call on Building Better Schools, Grace Grace, the Minister for Education and Mark Bailey, the Minister for Transport, to make the new school crossing on Vulture Street, West End, a wombat crossing (a raised priority crossing), staffed between 7am-9am and 2pm-4pm on school days.